
Ever find yourself listening to the same music day after day?

Reading the same author all the time?

I was, and thought there must be a way to find new material.

There are so many new authors, new bands and solo artists searching for their audience, I’ll try and find them and put them here in one place for you guys to browse, click links and discover.

After checking the scene for just a few weeks, one thing is obvious. These guys pushing their stuff out need reviews, feedback (and sales), so please leave comments, either here, with them direct or both!

Ah.. and in addition I shall tell any tales of my 5 week cycle, working on a North Sea rig for two weeks and the 3 weeks of family fun inbetween.

Please browse, click the tabs, categories and tags to filter what you want, then enjoy and comment all you like. And thank you for visiting.

Check my Reverbnation page for instant access to some of the best tracks I’ve come across:


Finding time is a…

Well, everything is still manic.

I never have time for more than one thing at a time alongside work and homelife.

I’ve managed to read 2 books so far this year, neither by ‘new’ authors. This time last year it was over a dozen.

New bands, i’ve found loads on Soundcloud, some amazing talent that only a few people have got to listen to. I have every intent to review & help these guys in my small way at some time soon.

I’ve managed to write 5 tracks of my own, all totally on iPad wherever i may be, each one an improvement, a development beyond the previous ones.
One track, a cover, has been picked up by a singer who’s currently recording the vocal for it (major pride moment!).
One thing i have re-learned, i don’t run with the main crowd. I don’t want to be lost in the same pile as so many others. Its good to be a little different, but i’ve been that way since i was a kid.

If you get a chance, search for ‘Carbonish’ on the Soundcloud website. Take a listen and leave a comment if you feel inclined.

The Replicas project with Justin is still moving, just a bit slowly at the moment due to other commitments. I’m even trying to get a copy to Gary Numan himself as his work inspired Justin’s story. The edit is complete, the book is complete as an e-book and once we are ready to push, away we go.

Other twists occur, i’m reviewing iOS music apps, guesting on other blogs… Well… I’m currently writing my second one but its a fantastic reason to delve into the depths of new iOS synths and play a small part in a new, growing community of iOS musicians.

And as usual, one of the things that drops off to one side is catching up here… But hopefully the next post will come a lot lot sooner.

Back soon…

Man, what a busy year its been, but putting in hard work yields progress…

Wow, it’s been hectic, although it seems longer than it actually has been since my last post. All the usual things that must put a hold on things have done just that (work and home), but a lot of other fun stuff has occurred too.

Outside of the mania of working life (which frequently stretches outside of the 2 weeks away) and the essential home/decorating/garden stuff and the even more essential cafe culture at any opportunity, I’ve finally managed to finish reading another book, music projects are picking up momentum and a bizarre opportunity of book editing eventually came my way.

The book i’ve finally completed will be reviewed here very soon, ‘Infernal Devices’ by K.W.Jeter. A Steampunk novel set mainly in London around 100 years ago. All in all an excellent read and well recommended if you fancy something that predates sci-fi a fair bit. Otherwise wait til my review comes up and go from there.

Musically, i jumped in headlong on my Ipad to see what could be created on a ‘simple’ mobile device. Any of my solo work is being put out (i’d say released if i was doing this for any other reason than fun at the moment) under the monica of ‘Carbonish’, and can be found on Facebook and Soundcloud… I’ll add links to the bottom of this post.
My initial doodling was an electronic cover of the early Numan track ‘The Life Machine’ with an awesome workstation app called NanoStudio (which rapidly became my workhorse) and then finding synths, drum machines, samplers and other studio apps to confuse and delight me, both without end.
My second solo effort is an ambient track called ‘Awakening’ (for various reasons) and sampled various IOS synths into NanoStudio to produce the end result which i’m quietly content with.
Since then i’ve been split in two directions, firstly with getting a fundamental understanding of the (incredible) capabilities of sound creation & manipulation using a touchscreen for all the apps i’ve picked up along the way.
Additionally i’ve also being thrown a gauntlet working with an awesome talent, of which more news will come (much as i’d revel in mentioning it now its very early days, but i’ll have to keep schtumm as long as my mouth will allow!). But its a happy pressure being applied and giving me tons of drive to really produce something good and deserving to the guy thats sparring with me.

Finally, the editing. Its all come good out of a simple comment on a review i put on Amazon, and kicked off a partnership & friendship that i hope can push us both in a good direction. I wont name him, but i know he has a few struggles, but with the talents he has he WILL go on to greatness in one field or other, something he thoroughly deserves, and i’m just glad i can help out in my little ways whenever i can. With luck, the novel will do some brilliant things once all the pieces are in place and can go a long, long way. Again, more news will follow on this once things are in a more tangible state.

So shit, its been a busy time, but its all been brilliant in every way. I have to say a huge thanks to Mrs Sarki and to little Miss Sarki too for putting up with me, my noise and my being away, but they know they are my reason for everything!


Carbonish facebook…
Carbonish Soundcloud

Fuck Buttons

Another day another band… well, not quite true. It takes a while to discover something that you know has been missing from your life in a major way, but as soon as you find it, hear it, you feel so hard done by for missing out for any length of time, especially when the band has been kicking around for a few years but not big enough that unless you go looking you’ll just not find it. With this in mind… Welcome to the Fuck Buttons!

If you want tuneful melodic sing-alongs, then this one is not for you. Fuck Buttons are hard to categorise. Many have tried to pin labels however nothing seems quite right. They produce what is in essence electronic experimentation with rhythm and sound – no 3 minute pop songs, just 10 minute epics of awesome propensity! Unlike a lot of experimental stuff though, the Fuck Buttons (aka F-Buttons or F*** Buttons – no idea why!) have created some stunning, incredibly impressive tracks. And if you’re a PS3 gamer, you’ve maybe heard them already without knowing (GT5 ).

I only wish I’d heard of these guys 5 years ago when their first album came out, but it took a mention from a certain Mr Justin Scro to piqued a vague interest. A hunt on youtube latched me on to the following video for ‘The Lisbon Maru’ (from their second album), note that the animation is totally unrelated to the music, but the 2 fitting together perfectly (massive hats off to CodeHunters for creating such excellent animation).

As I was offshore at the time, this vid was obsessed over and became an incessant part of my daily ritual (and for those who came to visit me), to some it was an eye opener but others found it a struggle to be near! This seems to sum up the Fuck Buttons. They’re not a ‘kids’ band, they’ve made a big impact on the festival scene, blogs and podcasts have picked them up but radio will never touch for SO many reasons!

So. If you like to be totally sonically assaulted on occasion, and have good quality headphones (or a place where you can listen loud without upsetting the household) this HAS to be given a go. The first album, Street Horrrsing, is an electronic sonic assault on the senses, rhymical, intense and quite briliant. ‘Tarot Sport’, the second album is full of fantastic arrangements, all of which are fully fledged musical pieces, evolving and twisting as the track progresses. Most of it is surprisingly uplifting. Determination pays dividends here, it really does, but then, some suggest I have a slight twist to my make up anyway, so the fact i fell in love with these guys immediately may just reinforce their argument.

Website: http://www.fuckbuttons.co.uk/

On MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/fuckbuttons

Soundcloud streaming: http://www.soundcloud.com/search?q[fulltext]=fuck+buttons

Where the hell does the time go…

It’s a bugger when life gets in the way, but initially work, then more work, other projects and finally decorating all manged to clog me up and stop me from achieving anything online-wise. Even tweeting has been impaired and I lost my way for a while. But now i’m determined to make a comeback as decorating is 90% complete (carpet and fluffy stuff to do) and project stuff is taking off. Also work should be reasonably quiet for a while, lots still to pick up & learn about, but that shouldn’t use up my free time… I hope. Courses are done and passed and I should be fully fledged pretty soon.

So, the good thing is I haven’t stopped dancing… yeah… Err… Not quite true, unless you’ve been watching through the window while I was decorating, but I have defintely not stopped listening to music, and the reading although being slow, is still going strong too.

Soon there will be at least 2-3 new music posts and 2 new book posts too, so hopefully something interesting for anyone willing to check it out.

Think I might have to figure out how to add a new section here too, slowly, very slowly, my own music project is picking up steam. Figuring out the cons (initially) and slowly piecing together the pro’s of songwriting using just an iPad. A few have achieved great results already (search for ‘Smite Matter’) and if I can get halfway there I will be happier than an excremental piglet.

My other news also fills me with huge pride. Although its not my work, its helping out an author trying to break through and in my opinion he’s a guy thoroughly deserving. Nuff said for now, news updates will be screamed from the treetops like a monkey on acid!


Evokateur. ‘Same As You’ – second single

After an awesome debut single with the highly acclaimed ‘Wolf Girl’, Evokateur have now released their second single ‘Same As You’, a switch to a more sultry and wistful love song, simply and beautifully sung over a contrasting tune that leaves you wondering if this is upbeat or melancholy. It’s a brilliantly written electro-ballad which has leanings back to the 80’s but mixed with a modern groove creating another perfect pop song from this slightly darker electro-pop band. 
The traditional tragic story of girl loves boy who doesnt want to be tied down, a classic but never tiring storyline.
Hector shows his synth-craft expertly again, evolving the track as it progresses, not resorting to copy/paste songwriting and with some beautiful touches dipping in and out of the sound keeping the whole thing fresh. It feels like he’s incorporated influence from all the classic 80’s and mixed it in here, Human League, early Depeche Mode and a bit of Numan ‘hum’ going on too, with the whole never becoming tedious. Sarah’s vocal again is as pure and creamy as they come, riding across the tunes in a perfect dance, her darkness against the glimmer of light held within the tune.

The mixing is superb, its certainly been a great coming together with Dom Morley (Mix/Producer with lots & lots of big names), Andy ‘Hippy’ Baldwin (The Orb, Scissor Sisters, Placebo and lots more) and the overall production by Hector himself is sublime.
This is a fantastic start to the first in three planned releases in the next few months, this being the lead track from their upcoming EP. After the third release its hoped their debut album will be ready to hit the world and show the extremes these guys talents can go to. Cant wait. And neither can my daughter, already a HUGE fan!
Same As You – on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/same-as-you-single/id459714532
Website: http://www.evokateur.co.uk/evokateur/evokateur.html 
Soundcloud streaming: http://soundcloud.com/weareevokateur/evokateur-same-as-you-1
ReverbNation (Album taster): http://www.reverbnation.com/evokateur 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evokateur

Vile Electrodes

I totally adore what i’ve heard from these guys, a lot of early 80’s electronica influences and just knowing the fact they’re loving what they’re doing. A real mixture of feelings behind the tracks on show from them so far, the gorgeous analogue simplicity of ‘Deep Red’ and the poptastic ‘Play With Fire’ through to the darkly hilarious cutting ‘Office Politik’ and so much inbetween!

They’ve hit the electro scene hard with pulsing waves of sound and a perfect almost fractured vocal; a forward looking 80’s vibe all the way, driving through the sleazier (more fun) side, something Soft Cell would be proud of.

In their own words, they “are beautiful noise. Like high heels on thin ice. Whip cracks on latex. Flickering neon signs. Car crashes on concrete overpasses. Long lashes behind dark glasses.” They are dirty pop, sexy electro, with the full on lipstick, mascara and fishnets you dream of!

Youtube has a selection of fantastic live work from them (including the ‘talky’ bits between songs which get hilarious) and home cooked (but very good) vid for Deep Red. But their selection on Soundcloud is exceptionally impressive, an albums worth of material just waiting to be streamed (and an album proper in process at the moment).

As well as the tracks mentioned above, the following are also totally stand out:
Reel to Real Love – awesome pulsing club track, trance-enducing echoes building over echoes of the past.
Feed Your Addiction – Perfect Electro-pop, from the e-bass lines to the wailing synth in the chorus.
Proximity – Beautiful songwriting and a lyric that fits so well. Seminal song.
Present Danger – A return to uptempo, quirky vocal rhythm over a driving electro beat and such excellent sound. Total analogue heaven.

Release wise they are currently recording their debut album which promises to provide something missing for so long, and i’m on the ‘desperate’ list for more info. The’ve already been included on the Conzoom Recordselectropop.6 compilation and hope to have other releases under their belt soon. Well worth a close look!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vileelectrodes
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/vileelectrodes
Website: http://vileelectrodes.blogspot.com/
Listen: http://soundcloud.com/vile-electrodes

Penelope Fletcher – Demon Girl (The Rae Wilder Novels Book 1)

I love reading books by indie writers, their ideas are often so fresh and uncomplicated by the big business of publishing and they can deal an uncomprimised version of the tales they wish to tell.
This is so much the case with Penelope Fletcher. I have just finished the first in her series of Rae Wilder novels, Demon Girl, and haven’t come across anything this good, this vibrant in ages, a full blooded fairytale for grown-ups.

‘Demon Girl’ is about Rae, an orphan brought up within the walls of possibly the last human encampament after ‘the rupture’, when the supernatural world took out its fury against humankind, the evil of vampires, shapeshifters, goblins and witches ravaged the world and fed off the remnants. The surviving humans pulled together to create a settlement to protect themselves and fight back. There was no other way.
Into this the fairies are dragged, being seen as another form of Demon and hunted by the Clerics, the ruling human class, trained to protect and fight the Demons and training the next generation, the Disciples, of which Rae is one. Rae is thrown into the middle of this, discovering her own unknown secrets, her link with the cause of the troubles surrounding the world and the role she must play within it all.

The story has been incredibly well put together, leading from each event to the next at breakneck speed, dragging you into the mayhem. The characters are excellent. Fairies aren’t portrayed as your average tinkerbell, but are majestic, magical beings of untold beauty holding the power of the world in balance. The dialogue is modern and doesn’t look back at the perfect pronunciations, but an evolution of language as barriers breakdown across humanity and time takes its toll. You feel the dialects, the way language has disintegrated as chaos descends over the earth. From a story telling point of view there is no single race that is pure and wonderful, all have their own foibles and failings, struggling to keep their kind going, one way or another, for that is all each race has left…

Brilliant writing and story telling from a new and young author who is pushing the boundaries of this genre in some beautiful directions.

Add-on – In the time it took to write this review I got sidetracked so badly by the second book in the series that I’ve now finished that too. Now I’m waiting to get my hands on the next, her writing is that addictive.

5/5 on Amazon.

Authors Website: http://www.penelopefletcher.com/

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Demon-Girl-Rae-Wilder-Novels/dp/B00480OPOK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&m=A3TVV12T0I6NSM&s=digital-text&qid=1305744101&sr=1-3

Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Demon-Girl-Wilder-Novels-ebook/dp/B00480OPOK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1305744442&sr=8-1


My first thought on listening to the opening bars of Evokateur was “How the hell haven’t these guys been snapped up???”
Evokateur are an unsigned three piece circulating around London and the South East. They started out as duo ‘Libelula’ creating ambient soundscapes and darkwave/electronica, but in 2010 they changed name, gained an extra bod and started producing some incredibly lush, electro-dance, cinematic sounds with simple beats and creating such beautiful tracks. They’ve opened up to remixers and have recieved some incredible results across the board (see their Soundcloud page, note the Gary Numan/Ade Fenton remix – they are getting atting deserved attention). For a band ‘bubbling under’ they have put everything in place to make a incredibly huge splash if luck can throw them the right break.

The songs all follow the electronica mode, some more ‘pop’ than others. Trippy riffs flow over swirling backgrounds and dark sultry lyrics, creamy smoothe production, crisp compositions, what can I say! They create such a clean and professional outpouring, such gorgeous full sounds. Sarah, singing has a beuatiful tone, knows her key and how to use her voice. Recording some of the harmonies is almost orchestral!

The few tracks currently present across the web show a range of talents and styles, but with the thought that they’re pretty much there with their debut album fills me with a hell of a lot of excitement, an album I am desperate to grab and covet, no matter how much my daughter pleads to borrrow it!
Wolf Girl is my definate top track, both in its original form and the ‘Idiotech Remix’, a fantastic track, something that take you totally in, both musically and lyrically. The associated video they’ve produced for this is excellent, top quality and fitting. Anything but the usual.

Misery is full of such sweet sadness and beautiful twisted love, and it works so well. Utter beauty.

Website: http://www.evokateur.co.uk 
Soundcloud streaming: http://soundcloud.com/weareevokateur
ReverbNation (Album taster): http://www.reverbnation.com/evokateur

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evokateur

Gary Numan ’79


This just HAS to be my first entry, as his music made me what i became.

When I was an 11 year old back in ’79  I somehow managed to blag my way in to my fist gig ever – the ‘Touring Principle’ tour from Gary Numan. I wasn’t a tall kid or look older than I was, but I was fed up with the world, looking for something, anything to escape to, and I found this. Determination stepped in, I got a ticket, turned up and in I went. Musically things were never going to be the same ever again.

Prior to my discovery of Numan and a proper intro to what was possible with synths (not the wimpy sound of Genesis and Tangerine Dream). I was from a regular working class background, surrounded by Johnny Mathis, Barry Manilow, Cliff Richard and the like, and a little tame rockabilly from an absent father. I was feeling pretty alone and alienated, going through the breakdown surrounding me, and I immediately  identified with the emotion of ‘Are Friends Electric’ the moment I first heard it. Nothing came close to sounding like this, in the same way I felt that no-one felt anything like the way I felt. It just clicked. ‘Cars’ was similar, but not as extreme, and then came ‘Complex’, the deepest of swirling electronica painting such dark, sombre mood, mixed with a lyric that holds so much emotion, yet very few even bothered to listen. Complex is still my favourite track from anything he’s created before or since, and its going to take a helluvalot to topple it, but I always hold hope that someone tries to.

After picking up the Replicas an Pleasure Principle albums and playing them to death on my second hand music centre, through the most massive set of headphones I think the home audio manufacturers ever made (and sounding bloody amazing), I heard that Gary Numan was performing at the Brighton Dome on the 5th October, a perfect Friday night. Determination and secrecy stepped in, and with only me and my Mum at home I knew I could get away with a late night. Things at home were difficult and it wasn’t going to be out of place for me to return way later than the average 11 year old in those days. The train timetables were in my favour and as a lad, my health and fitness were pretty much at their peak, so charging back to get the train and running from there weren’t going to be an issue, and I’d lie my way through the rest. This was something I just had to do.

With the passing of time and the mischiefs of later youthfulness, a lot of the details of that night have passed on by, but the thing I remember most and will never forget was standing close to the right hand side, right up at the front, with the speaker stacks close enough to nearly touch. The vibration of the bass synths that I and the crowd were subjected to, the lightshow, the performance and the experience are all something I will never lose. The noise hit you, vibrated your insides, but didn’t fade. The sound carried on through the entire gig. The feeling I never will forget even when I’m old and incontinent, I’ll still grab a set of cans and blast myself with the same tracks that awoke me back then. The world was blown apart along with my imagination. I came out amazed at the sights and sounds I’d witnessed, and the pure performance of this guy and his creation.

So thanks to Gary Numan for making this happen, for creating my desire for music that took me off, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, to discover the more interesting, less throw-away side of pop that still runs through me today.

While the Savage Sleeps – Andrew E. Kaufman

An excellent first book from another brand new author, Andrew E. Kaufman.
This is a tale of nasty occurrences in the town of Faith, New Mexico and the investigations in to it, told from the viewpoint primarily of the Deputy Sheriff, Cameron Dawson, and commencing with the murder one of his officers and following the string of events (and blood) that follow.
The story involves some pretty gory stuff, both from the view of the victim and the people around, and is superbly described in both emotional and physical contexts. The story is broadened through the additional experiences of Kyle Bancroft, a medical practitioner in Albuquerque who has the ability to pick up on psychic activities… but if I say too much then you’ll not need to read the book! Needless to say the ending is excellently thought out with a few twists in the tail.

Genre wise this sits comfortably between horror and mystery. The bloody scenes are very well described but are not too disturbing (to me!) and the climax came as quite a surprise. Not what I was expecting. The Characters are excellent, deep and very likable. There are no perfect people, as in life, and all are believable. Dialogue is good too, only once in the entire book did I wonder if what was said would be the wording i’d have expected, but then that’s just an opinion. It didn’t detract from anything and was immediately forgotten in the action unfolding.
The research this guy has gone into is pretty breathtaking, especially considering its a first novel. His attention to detail is boundless, and in the ‘thanks’ at the end of the book you’ll discover how far out he went to make sure his details were correct and accurate, even visiting and watching an M.E. at work! To me that seems above and beyond, especially for a first! I can see this guy moving on to some true greats as time progresses!

A fantastic read from an excellent first book. And I hope to see Andrew E. Kaufman in some impressive lists as time goes on.

I’ve awarded 4/5 on Amazon (UK).

Available from:

Amazon (UK): http://www.amazon.co.uk/While-the-Savage-Sleeps/dp/B003RCJUCM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=A3TVV12T0I6NSM&qid=1305020510&sr=1-1

Amazon (US): http://www.amazon.com/While-the-Savage-Sleeps-ebook/dp/B003RCJUCM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&m=A7B2F8DUJ88VZ&s=digital-text&qid=1305020566&sr=8-2

Authors Website: http://www.andrewekaufman.com/